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This document will guide you through the installation process of keep-packager, a script that allows you to create and use custom packages in your server.


  • If you are using ox_lib as your context menu provider uncomment this line in the fxmanifest.lua (keep-packager/fxmanifest.lua):
shared_scripts {
    -- "@ox_lib/init.lua",  -- uncomment this line
Download the resource

Download the resource (keep-packager) from our Tebex store and unzip it. Then copy and paste the folder into your server resources folder.

Import required items


  • Open the qb-core/shared/items.lua file in your text editor.
  • Copy and paste the items at the end of the items table in the items.lua file.
["packagingdevice"] = {
    ["name"] = "packagingdevice",
    ["label"] = "Packaging Device",
    ["weight"] = 10000,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "packagingdevice.png",
    ["unique"] = true,
    ["useable"] = true,
    ["shouldClose"] = true,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "Packaging device to help packing goods"
["emptypaperbox"] = {
    ["name"] = "emptypaperbox",
    ["label"] = "Empty Paper Box",
    ["weight"] = 250,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "emptypaperbox.png",
    ["unique"] = false,
    ["useable"] = false,
    ["shouldClose"] = false,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "Primarily used for packaging goods and materials."
["usedpaperbox"] = {
    ["name"] = "usedpaperbox",
    ["label"] = "Paper Box",
    ["weight"] = 15000,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "usedpaperbox.png",
    ["unique"] = true,
    ["useable"] = true,
    ["shouldClose"] = true,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "A paper box containing something"
["emptygiftbox"] = {
    ["name"] = "emptygiftbox",
    ["label"] = "Empty Gift Box",
    ["weight"] = 250,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "emptygiftbox.png",
    ["unique"] = false,
    ["useable"] = false,
    ["shouldClose"] = false,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "Primarily used for gifts."
["papergiftbox"] = {
    ["name"] = "papergiftbox",
    ["label"] = "Paper Box",
    ["weight"] = 15000,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "papergiftbox.png",
    ["unique"] = true,
    ["useable"] = true,
    ["shouldClose"] = true,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "A gift box"
["mysterybox"] = {
    ["name"] = "mysterybox",
    ["label"] = "Mystery Box",
    ["weight"] = 1000,
    ["type"] = "item",
    ["image"] = "mysterybox.png",
    ["unique"] = true,
    ["useable"] = true,
    ["shouldClose"] = true,
    ["combinable"] = nil,
    ["description"] = "Mystery Box"
  • Save and close the file.


  • This script only supports ox_inventory as the inventory system for ESX.
  • Open the ox_inventory/data/items.lua file in your text editor.
  • Copy and paste the items at the end of the items table in the items.lua file.
["packagingdevice"] = {
    label = "Packaging Device",
    weight = 5,
    stack = false,
    close = true,
    description = "Packaging device to help packing goods"
["emptypaperbox"] = {
    label = "Empty Paper Box",
    weight = 1,
    stack = true,
    close = false,
    description = "Primarily used for packaging goods and materials."
["usedpaperbox"] = {
    label = "Paper Box",
    weight = 15,
    stack = false,
    close = true,
    description = "A paper box containing something"
["emptygiftbox"] = {
    label = "Empty Gift Box",
    weight = 1,
    stack = true,
    close = false,
    description = "Primarily used for gifts."
["papergiftbox"] = {
    label = "Gift Box",
    weight = 15,
    stack = false,
    close = true,
    description = "A gift box"
["mysterybox"] = {
    label = "Mystery Box",
    weight = 1,
    stack = true,
    close = true,
    description = "Mystery Box"
  • Save and close the file.