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This document will guide you through the installation process of keep-note.

This script allows players to keep track of their notes in the game. With this Notepad script, players can save and access their notes whenever they want.



  1. Your server’s artifacts must be higher than 5848.
  2. You must have the latest version of keep-harmony. (v2.0.0 or higher)

Step 1

Download the resource from our Tebex store ( and unzip it. Then copy and paste the folder into your server resources folder. Make sure the folder name is keep-notes.

If not, rename it accordingly.

Step 2

Import the items that are required for the script to work.


  • Open the qb-core/shared/items.lua file in your text editor.
  • Copy and paste the items at the end of the items table in the items.lua file.
-- keep-notes
    ["note"] = {
        ["name"] = "note",
        ["label"] = "Note",
        ["weight"] = 250,
        ["type"] = "item",
        ["image"] = "note.png",
        ["unique"] = true,
        ["useable"] = true,
        ["shouldClose"] = true,
        ["combinable"] = nil,
        ["description"] = "a note"
    ["notepad"] = {
        ["name"] = "notepad",
        ["label"] = "Notepad",
        ["weight"] = 250,
        ["type"] = "item",
        ["image"] = "notepad.png",
        ["unique"] = true,
        ["useable"] = true,
        ["shouldClose"] = true,
        ["combinable"] = nil,
        ["description"] = "A small notepad with blank pages. Useful for jotting down notes or reminders."
    ["notepad2"] = {
        ["name"] = "notepad2",
        ["label"] = "Notepad 2",
        ["weight"] = 250,
        ["type"] = "item",
        ["image"] = "notepad.png",
        ["unique"] = true,
        ["useable"] = true,
        ["shouldClose"] = true,
        ["combinable"] = nil,
        ["description"] = "A small notepad with blank pages. Useful for jotting down notes or reminders."
    ["papers"] = {
        ["name"] = "papers",
        ["label"] = "Papers",
        ["weight"] = 10,
        ["type"] = "item",
        ["image"] = "papers.png",
        ["unique"] = false,
        ["useable"] = true,
        ["shouldClose"] = true,
        ["combinable"] = nil,
        ["description"] = "A stack of blank papers. These can be used for writing or drawing, or can be combined with other items to create something new."
    ["paperbox"] = {
        ["name"] = "paperbox",
        ["label"] = "Paper Box",
        ["weight"] = 500,
        ["type"] = "item",
        ["image"] = "paperbox2.png",
        ["unique"] = false,
        ["useable"] = true,
        ["shouldClose"] = true,
        ["combinable"] = nil,
        ["description"] = "A cardboard box filled with papers. The papers are blank and can be used for writing or drawing. The box has a limited lifespan and will eventually decay and disappear."
  • Save and close the file.


  • This script only supports ox_inventory as the inventory system for ESX.
  • Open the ox_inventory/data/items.lua file in your text editor.
  • Copy and paste the items at the end of the items table in the items.lua file.
    -- keep-notes
    ["note"] = {
        label = "note",
        weight = 1,
        stack = false,
        close = true,
        description = "a note"
    ["notepad"] = {
        label = "notepad",
        weight = 1,
        stack = false,
        close = true,
        description = "A small notepad with blank pages. Useful for jotting down notes or reminders."
    ["papers"] = {
        label = "Papers",
        weight = 1,
        stack = true,
        close = true,
        description =
        "A stack of blank papers. These can be used for writing or drawing, or can be combined with other items to create something new."
    ["paperbox"] = {
        label = "Paperbox",
        weight = 1,
        stack = true,
        close = true,
        description =
        "A cardboard box filled with papers. The papers are blank and can be used for writing or drawing. The box has a limited lifespan and will eventually decay and disappear."

Optional Step

Adding Emotes

  1. Open the dpemotes/Client/AnimationList.lua file in your text editor.

  2. Scroll down to find the emote list table, which contains all the emotes.

  3. Now, add these two new emotes! (Add the following entries at the end of the DP.PropEmotes table):

DP.PropEmotes = {
    -- existing emotes

    ["notepad"] = {
        AnimationOptions =
            Prop = 'prop_notepad_01',
            PropBone = 18905,
            PropPlacement = { 0.1, 0.02, 0.05, 10.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
            SecondProp = 'prop_pencil_01',
            SecondPropBone = 58866,
            SecondPropPlacement = { 0.11, -0.02, 0.001, -120.0, 0.0, 0.0 },
            EmoteLoop = true,
            EmoteMoving = true,
    ["notepad_note"] = {
        AnimationOptions =
            Prop = 'prop_notepad_01',
            PropBone = 18905,
            PropPlacement = { 0.1, 0.02, 0.06, -30.0, -20.0, 0.0 },
            EmoteLoop = true,
            EmoteMoving = true,
  1. Save the file and voila!
